


Structure menu

The Structure menu contains commands for creating structures that are unique to EasiWriter.

Structures can be created with or without a selection being made. What happens depends on what was selected and which type of structure is chosen.

The appearance of structures can be changed by selecting them (see Select menu) and then choosing Change... from the Format menu. The actual attributes that can be changed depend on the structure.

A default style is assigned to each new instance of a structure if no specific style is chosen. If there are two or more styles in a structure they will appear as a submenu and can be chosen directly. Clicking Menu on the Structure style button is a more convenient way of accessing the same menu.


A chapter consists of an optional heading followed by body text. Chapters can't contain other chapters.

Choosing Chapter (Ctrl-Shift-F1) automatically starts a new chapter after the current paragraph or chapter. If the chapter style includes a heading the caret will be positioned at the beginning of that heading otherwise it will be at the beginning of the first paragraph.

If a group of paragraphs is selected before choosing Chapter the first paragraph becomes the Chapter heading, subsequent paragraphs become the Chapter body.


Choosing Section (Ctrl-Shift-F2) automatically starts a new section after the current paragraph or section. If the section style includes a heading the caret will be positioned at the beginning of that heading otherwise it will be at the beginning of the first paragraph.

If a group of paragraphs is selected before choosing Section the first paragraph becomes the Section heading, subsequent paragraphs become the Section body.


Sub-sections are functionally the same as sections except that they are nested with respect to the section. Choosing Section while in a sub-section creates another sub-section at the same level. Choosing Sub-section (Ctrl-Shift-F3)nests a further level. The End Section command takes you to the end of the current structure; a second End Section command takes you back to the previous level.


If no selection is made, choosing List (Ctrl-Shift-F4) starts a new list. With the default style a bullet is drawn with the caret to its right. Pressing Tab moves the caret to the left margin where you can start typing the first item in the list. Pressing Return starts a new list item.

Choosing End structure and pressing Return moves the caret out of the list back to whatever structure contains it. If a group of paragraphs is selected they become the items in the list.


Sub-list (Ctrl-Shift-F5) starts a sub list within a list. Sub lists are functionally the same as lists except that they are nested with respect to the list. The End structure command takes you to back to the list containing the sub list.


The Table (Ctrl-Shift-F6)command starts a new table. If a selection is made it becomes the first cell in the table. Pressing Tab starts a new column, pressing Return starts a new row.

The Table command has a submenu:

New table

This command starts a new table. It has the same effect as choosing Table from the Structure menu or clicking on the Table button.

Add row

Add row leads to a submenu where you can add a row above or below the row containing the caret.

Add column

Add column leads to a submenu where you can add a column on the left or right of the column containing the caret.

Column head

Column head allows you to designate the row containing the caret as a column head. Rows given this property will automatically be reproduced if the table extends to another page.

Tables can contain more than one column head.


The Span command leads to a dialogue box where you can make the cell containing the caret span several columns.

End table

Choose End Table (Ctrl-]) from the Structure menu and press Return to exit a table.


The action of the Figure (Ctrl-Shift-F7) command depends on what is selected:

  • If nothing is selected, it starts a new figure consisting of an empty body and caption which contains the caret.
  • If a paragraph is selected, it becomes the caption.
  • If a Picture, Table or List is selected, it becomes the body.
  • If both a Picture, List or Table and a paragraph are selected, it creates a figure putting the paragraph into the caption regardless of whether it was before, or after, the other component.


Picture (Ctrl-Shift-F8) creates an empty picture. If the caret is in a paragraph the picture will be created before or after the paragraph depending whether the caret is nearer the beginning or end of it.


Choosing Footnote inserts a superscripted number or symbol, or nothing (depending on the choice made in Footnotes in the Misc menu). The caret is then moved to the bottom of the page or end of the Chapter or Document again depending on the on the choice made in Footnotes in the Misc menu. After typing the footnote Ctrl-] or choosing End footnote from the Structure menu return you to the right of the footnote reference.


The Insert command leads to a submenu:

With the exception of the date and time the following commands only apply to headers and footers.

Document title

Document title inserts the contents of the document's heading into the Header or Footer.

Chapter title

Chapter title inserts the name of a Chapter heading in the Header or Footer. The first instance of any text in a chapter heading on a page will appear in the Header or Footer for that page. If there is no chapter heading on a particular page, the last instance of it will be used.

Section title

Section title inserts the name of a Section heading in the Header or Footer. The first instance of any text in section heading on a page will appear in the Header or Footer for that page. If there is no section heading on a particular page, the last instance of it will be used.

Page number

Choose Page number to include the page number in a header or footer. The actual number and numbering system used in the document will be determined by the Document or Chapter style definition. The starting number can be set using Start Document page or Start Chapter page in the Format menu.

Document length

Inserts the number of pages in the document into the Header or Footer.

Chapter length

Inserts the number of pages in the chapter into the Header or Footer.


This command inserts the date in the format specified in the Set date format command in the Format menu.

Dates in headers and footers can optionally be updated.


This command inserts the time in the current format as specified in the Set date format command in the Format menu.

The time in headers and footers can optionally be updated.

Remove structure

Removes one level of structure from the selection. For example if a subsection was selected the Remove structure command would turn it into part of the body of the section containing it.

End <Structure>

Choose End structure (Ctrl-]) to move the caret to the end of the current structure. Choosing another structure command will start a new structure at the same level as the one just ended. Pressing Return will start a new paragraph at the same level.

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